TRPB MEME: Meet my weird Best Friend

It’s normal, in this world of sl to grow very close to people. There are sl families  sl boyfriends and girlfriends, even husbands and wives. All sorts of sl love and friendships are built. Yet, it’s always the one person who has stuck by, even at times when they might not have been able to be there completely, that are the ones we care about the most. I have two people in my sl like that, first, my sl mom, she’s been close to me and caring for me for a while now, and It surprises me each time how close we’ve gotten. And then, there is my one true, oldest, and most special best friend Elisa. We’ve been through our rough patches, been at the either ends of a role with each other, but despite that, we are still close, and care the most for each other. I started thinking about a good idea for  meme/challenge, since it’s bee a while since i’ve done one, and I keep thinking “Do a bff one!” but thought it too cheesy. Yet, I wanted a picture very bad with Elisa, since the last one we too together was for one of her ads, and not one for just us, so, I decided to pester her til we had a chance to sit down and take one together, and thus the inspiration for this meme~


  • Take a picture with you sl bff (if you don’t have an sl bff, someone you are close to works just as well) However, if you can’t, or don’t have a picture of the two of you together, that’s ok! Just grab a picture of you, and a picture of them, and put them side by side ;u;.
  • Have your bff answer the following questions, then you answer them as well.

That’s it, nothing else. Simple and easy! I plan on making more best friends, and friend memes/challenges in the future, and not so simple, more complex, and creative, but today I wanted to do something laid back and chill. Onward to questions~

Elisa’s Answers:

  1. How old are you? I’m 19
  2. How long have you been in sl? Officially I’ve been in SL for 2 years and 4 months, but make that about year and a half. The first few months I hadn’t even logged in twice.
  3. What’s your goal in sl? To make Rose’s life into a living hell :3 lol nah not really. I don’t really have a set ‘goal’ as to what I wish to accomplish in SL. I live day by day, that applies to both RL and SL, and I’d like to keep it that way. As long as I keep meeting amazing people who I grow to love and as long as these people inspire me in a positive way, I’m content.
  4. What is the one thing that reminds you/you remember about your bff? I will never forget the hour long roleplay sessions Rose and I had in the past. I still enjoy roleplaying with her and I wish we could do that far more often, but the rp that we’ve had in the past was great (although I was afk half of the time, but that’s just how I rp~~~dont judge me, ROSE) Though of course I’ll always remember how much this girl loves to be creative, how she loves to wear mint above all other colours and sometimes she gets a little too emotional about things. But those things make her to who she is and I wouldn’t change them about her.
  5. What one thing , that you two can do together, always makes you smile? Ummm, well, Rose and I always have these random convo’s every once in a while. I mean we talk to eachother almost every day, but most of the time those conversations aren’t really meaningful. However sometimes we just sit down and discuss how we are both doing, how we’re feeling, and give eachother the best (or worst) advice you could wish for from a friend.

Rose’s Answers:

  1. How old are you? 21 and growing older ;~;
  2. How long have you been in sl? Joined 5 days after my birthday in 2011, so almost two years, but really more like a year and a half
  3. What’s your goal in sl? LOL FU ELISA. anywhoo, my goal? At first it was just to feed my boredom  But as I found rping, MM, which was H:YS at the time, and then learned about mesh creating, my goal changed to me creating, hair, clothing, building houses. I’ve found that along that way, I’ve always wanted to make more friends, and have a group of people I can “come home to” in a sense, they make me feel at home.
  4. What is the one thing that reminds you/you remember about your bff? Lord, well, I know that when ever I see pokemon now, I think of Elisa, but the thing that I remember the most is just how, even tho, we’ve fought, or had issues, or had things tears us apart, we are best friends. It didn’t hit me that she was my best friend til I started to miss her a while ago. We’ve talked about allot of stuff since then, and been through alot, but, no matter what, Elisa is always there, she doesn’t hold a gurge so tight she can’t forgive.
  5. What one thing , that you two can do together, always makes you smile? Oh god, I wrote this question for Elisa and thought, oh when I get to it I’ll know what to write. Nupe. Failing at my own meme~ Um ok, well, I guess, it’s freebie shopping, and not just that, but, just tping together. We go to a store, a  sim, anywhere..and we are just comfy with each other that we act like ourselves. It doesn’t matter where we are, we are happy and free, and it makes me smile to know, even when she is with her boyfriend, or I’m with a group of my own friends, that when we are together, with whom ever is around..we are happy being ourselves ;~; I love Elisaokkbye.

AND THERE U HAVE IT. Best friend meme XD Do it guys, and post down below your replies 😀 I can’t wait to see what you all do!

What Elisa is wearing:

  • Skin: the body co. Orchid (05 sunkissed skin)
  • Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Erika Mesh Hair – Chocolate
  • Necklace: Noodles – Mark 6 Necklace Gold
  • Blouse: .:villena:. – Denim Shirt – Light Blue w/o studs
  • Shorts: urbana. Natalie Shorts Black
  • Shoes: “La petite fleur” boots 004

What Rose is wearing:

  • Skin: -tb- {Light} Blessa: Clean – Light Brows
  • Hair: >TRUTH< Haven – lava
  • Makeup: *MY UGLYDOROTHY -Lovely line6, [okkbye] Rainbowliner
  • Blouse: {mon tissu} Longline Blouse – White
  • Shoes: [Gos] Sophia Peeptoe – Black

-Rose ❤

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